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We investigate adultery, investigate infidelity, as licensed private investigators, phone 1300 966 103, or alternately email us at [email protected]. Free quotes, we are experienced, and discreet. There are private investigator information links to the left of the page.

We can confirm or deny a suspicion. We can find the facts. We can gather evidence. Because we are not involved we can offer an independent view, assess the information and provide tailored private investigator surveillance. We can look at different techniques to assist with your particular set of circumstances. We investigate adultery, investigate infidelity, investigate cheating partner suspicion, when you suspect adultery, suspect infidelity, a relationship investigation may be the answer. Discretion assured.

Adultery has existed since the earliest recorded times. It is referred to in many religious texts, especially Catholic and Muslim, it is referred to in the Jewish Torah (basically the Old testament of the Bible). Adultery is generally considered to be sex outside of the marriage, sex with another. Sex can be male male, male female or female female, there are other variations, of course. Infidelity may be in thought or deed, for some. We investigate adultery, investigate infidelity, we are experienced and discreet.

For others there is a more rigid meaning to adultery as involving sexual intercourse. This definition was the defence former President Bill Clinton sought when discussing Monica Lewinsky. In his mind they had not had 'sex', in her mind they had. Sex can simply refer to sexual gratification. When someone denies a relationship, sex, a private investigation, a private investigator, is there to investigate.

All relationships are different, some have multiple partners, multiple wives, open marriages. The 'norm' of one partner, married for life, is over for much of society; sexual variations, relationship variations, and more than one partner during a lifetime has become more open options. They have always existed, as the reading of very old newspapers, and historical charges of bigamy attest.

Basically, would, or should, a partner accept that their mate has wandered off to get sexual gratification with another?? If the answer is no, or I just need to know, call us. Sometimes the answer is yes, but the hiding of the encounter is what actually makes it adultery (in an 'open' relationship).

To investigate adultery is often a requirement of some religions, or belief systems. the need to prove adultery is a part of many orthodox faiths, to establish the prerequisite conditions for annulment, or divorce. The evidence may be both the observations on the private investigator, and the video evidence, or still images, they record to support their observations. We investigate adultery, investigate infidelity, conduct a relationship investigation, a cheating partner investigation, often as private investigator surveillance, private detective surveillance.

Private investigator surveillance, done correctly, is legal. The evidence obtained can be used for court, a tribunal, negotiation, or personal information. The private investigator needs to be as fully briefed as possible, scanned photographs of the subject are appreciated. When engaging the private investigator they must be assured that any evidence obtained will not be used for an illegal or immoral purpose. Surveillance is the preferred way of gaining evidence of adultery, infidelity.

We are not here to judge people. We are here to help answer those questions you need answered.  We provide a service to those who believe they may the victim of infidelity. When you have a suspicion and need infidelity surveillance, someone to investigate, you need to hire an investigator. Contact us, we provide free quotes.

When you need to know, is my husband, wife, cheating? Contact us. A private investigation is about giving the partner cheated on some power, some control, through information, knowledge. It lets them make their decisions, move forward, rather than tread water.