Suspected Workers Compensation claim fraud, a Workers Compensation fraud investigation, or due diligence Workers Compensation investigations due to the size of the exposure, phone 1300 966 103, we investigate. Workers Compensation private investigator, private detective, to investigate a suspected false claim, you can TEXT ONLY to 0427 703 120. Alternately email us [email protected]. Free quotes.
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including ex-police investigators, for a Workers Compensation
investigation, Workcover investigation, Worksafe investigation, Comcare
investigation, contact us.
Due diligence claim investigation, or to investigate a suspected false Workers Compensation claim, we cover both. Workcover, Comcare, Workers Compensation (Workers Comp.) fraud, the self insured, small business, corporations and the private person are all subject to fraudulent claims for a workplace injury, for claimed restrictions, from time to time. Workers Compensation fraud, or Workcover compensation claim fraud, Comcare fraud, is a reality. Where the insurer won't investigate the business claimed against, the people claimed against, must, especially where there is a large liability, or a known scam. We have experienced investigators who can assist with suspect claims. Government bodies such as Workcover, WorkSafe, Comcare, Workers Compensation and Safety, are sometimes loath to investigate when the employer is certain workplace injury insurance fraud is occurring, especially once an initial claim is accepted; they want you to prove it. The short and long term cost associated with such claims are borne by the employer. It seems Workcover, Comcare, the Workers Compensation insurer, accepts an insurance claim, focus on worker rehabilitation, and then expect the employer to prove otherwise; this happens over and over again, especially for those with a history of claims against different employers (who keep aggravating an injury, that was unknown to each new employer), or who become addicted to the pay and conditions an injury claim provide. The employer unfortunately must accept, unless there is gross fraud, that the acceptance of a WorkCover claim means the acceptance of some civil action penalty risk; private investigator surveillance, workers compensation surveillance, may be used to mitigate the size of the claim under these circumstances. Whilst there are generally many sides to a workplace injury claim; the employers concern, once a claim is accepted, is often that a claimant may be either overstating or lying about a restriction relating to a workplace injury, to obtain a benefit. This falls, generally, within two categories of Workers Compensation investigation. The first is the claimant who has either learnt from previous experience or is embarking on a new course to obtain funds by deception (a false claim). They are often only hired for a short time, but see this is a way of being paid whilst they reposition themselves, and/or line up for a payout. We have anecdotal information, and observations, that would indicate that some sub-groups are 'gaming' the system, and passing information round about how to make false claims, as well as 'friendly' doctors who issue medical certificates, with an intent to defraud. This is a Workers Compensation fraud investigation. The second type make an original true claimant, who fails to mention that they have improved and become addicted to the lifestyle; they are paid to do what they want. Their stated restrictions and the truth gradually diverge, until there is a great disparity between their real and claimed restrictions. This is still fraud, it still requires a Workers Compensation private investigator. WHAT WE DO? We conduct private investigator surveillance, Workers Compensation surveillance, Workcover surveillance, Comcare surveillance, and record evidence to support or deny the claimed restrictions. We conduct Workers Compensation investigations to discover the truth of the matter. HOW? Discreetly! We ensure compliance with legal requirements, to produce evidence in a format that is acceptable to a court. HOW LONG SHOULD I ALLOW? The amount you spend generally depends on your level of exposure. Insurance or workplace injury claim workers compensation surveillance is often done in week blocks, with an assessment and tweaking before the instructions for another week, if justified. If your exposure is millions for a person who is claiming permanent disability, and a carer for life, plus a redone house, then initial due diligence investigations, and spending a large amount on surveillance (Months) may be justified, especially where contraindications are being recorded! Everyone is entitled to have a good day, so a one off recording, for a few seconds, may not be enough; there is case law that indicates this is correct. We are licensed private investigators. We are experienced in investigating workplace injury insurance fraud, we Investigate Workers Compensation Fraud. We understand Workcover Fraud, The Cost to employers. We can conduct covert surveillance to confirm or deny a claimed restrictions.The cost ofWorkers Compensation and Sick Leave Fraudto business is large, where Workers Compensation fraud is suspected, or due diligence inquiries are called for due to the size of the exposure, we have the Workers Compensation private investigator, Workcover private investigator, experience. Call us for a free quote.
We investigate Workers Compensation fraud suspicions for the Government insured, those that go through an insurance broker, and those that are self insured. Most investigations are for the Government insured, who need to conduct an investigation to protect themselves, where the claim has been accepted, and the employer must demonstrate a reasonable suspicion of fraud, of deception. The self insured have a greater need of investigation, of Workcover surveillance evidence, as they need to establish deception, fraud, over an extended period, as they cannot pass on this obligation to another. Those that use an insurance broker fall in between. They have gone for the cheapest insurance, not the one that cares for their interests best.