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Workers Compensation fraud investigation
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A Workers Compensation private investigator, Workers Compensation private detective, is used for private investigator surveillance, Workers Compensation surveillance, WorkCover surveillance, or factual investigation, where Comcare fraud, WorkCover fraud, Workers compensation fraud, is suspected, or due diligence requires. Phone 1300 966 103, alternatively email [email protected], free quotes.

When you need a Workers Compensation private investigator surveillance investigation, a Workers Compensation private detective surveillance investigation, experienced, discreet, investigators, contact us. We are licensed private investigators to investigate for you.

WorkCover surveillance, Workers Compensation surveillance, Comcare surveillance, private investigator surveillance, is usually undertaken to confirm or deny a claimed restriction, by a surveillance insurance investigator. It may be done during the initial stages of a claim process, during extended periods of claimed restrictions or the recurrence of a claimed restriction/injury.

Workers Compensation insurance, and Workplace Health and Safety bodies, has seen rebranding in different states, becoming Workercover, SafeWork NSW, and WorkSafe Vic, as well as SafeWork SA and ReturnToWorkSA (RTWSA). You also have Comcare, and the self insured, through various insurance companies. The actual Government insurance may be supplied by approved private insurance providers.

Private investigator surveillance is not done specifically to catch a person behaving fraudulently, but if there is a suspicion of Workers Compensation fraud, Workcover fraud, insurance fraud, this does increase the probability of surveillance, and the period of private investigator surveillance. It is done to confirm the claimed restrictions, it may, or may not, establish fraud. It is about the discreet observation of an unaware subject.

Surveillance is not done for the purpose of making people feel uncomfortable, it is done to obtain covert evidence to support or deny the claimed restriction. Employers, claim managers and people responsible for managing return to work (Human Resources Managers) have a responsibility to ensure that the interests of both the employer and employee are looked after, and protected. Workers Compensation fraud investigations are undertaken to ensure the worker receives what they are entitled to, but that the employer doesn't pay more than they should.

WorkCover surveillance Workers Compensation surveillance, by a Workers Compensation private investigator, an insurance investigator, can be used as an independent method of verifying restrictions, confirming the claimed restriction, comparing real life restrictions to those claimed, or managing the exposure of a company where a restriction is shown to be less than originally stated or non-existent.

The more extreme cases of fraudulent claims, Workers compensation fraud, can be something similar to a totally and permanent disability, requiring round the clock care for the rest of someones life, where the person is off fishing and crabbing whilst waiting for their money - driving when they claim incapable, unloading and loading the boat by themselves, doing runs down to the pub for more beer and wine (I did the video).

This is the extreme, but it does happen! The more mundane is a person who claims they can't lift anything who is happily doing home renovations, up a ladder, painting above their head. This also happens!

We have recorded incidents similar to both the above, and provided the evidence. The highest risk to the employer is the person who claims a total and permanent incapacity, or a restriction that prevents them working again, or the physical injury that turns into a mental injury, this requires Workers Compensation investigation.

We understand Workcover Fraud, The Cost, Workers Compensation fraud, Comcare fraud, and the cost to business. When you require a Workers Compensation investigation, Workers Compensation private investigator, Workers Compensation surveillance, WorkCover surveillance, insurance surveillance, private investigator surveillance, contact us for a free quote.