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Private Investigator Detective Investigation
Private Investigator Australia
Private Investigator Surveillance
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Workers Compensation Fraud Investigation
Child Custody Welfare Access Investigation
Relationship Suspicion Infidelity Investigation
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A Kelvin Grove private investigator, Kelvin Grove private detective, Kelvin Grove private investigation service; to investigate phone 1300 966 103, TEXT ONLY to 0427 703 120, or 24/7 email us at [email protected]. Discretion Assured. Free Quotes. Ex-police and experienced Kelvin Grove private investigators for investigation and private investigator surveillance, a background check, or research.We are employed by business, Government, insurance providers, the self insured, the legal fraternity, and the private person. You suspect, we investigate.

Government licensed Kelvin Grove private investigator, Kelvin Grove private detective, Kelvin Grove private investigation service, a Qld licensed private investigation firm. Investigation as a discreet service or overt investigation, including Red Hill private investigator and Newmarket private investigator services. We provide private investigator surveillance services, used to confirm or deny a suspicion, establish a fact or gather intelligence. Private investigator surveillance, done correctly, is legal; the evidence obtained can be used for court, a tribunal, or negotiation. It is not designed to be intrusive.

We provide factual investigations, overt investigations, including speaking to people, locating witnesses, interviews, the gathering of affidavits (statements), and the location and preservation of evidence. This is the overt act of investigating, talking to people, asking questions, taking affidavits, locating, and preserving, evidence.

We investigate for business and the private person. We investigate workplace injury claims, conduct Workers Compensation due diligence investigations, investigate suspected Workcover fraud, conduct corporate investigations, investigate a child custody dispute and family law concerns. We investigate a suspect affair, infidelity and other relationship suspicions. We conduct private drug investigations. We do conduct a background check (within Australian restrictions), a search for criminal history, or a missing person, witness location or search for a birth father, a birth mother.

A Kelvin Grove private investigator, Kelvin Grove private detective, Kelvin Grove investigator service, are the same thing. In Queensland we are licensed as a private investigator service, a Kelvin Grove private investigation service. We are licensed to investigate, to gather personal information, evidence, to conduct private investigator surveillance, or search for a missing person, for reward. When you need an experienced, licensed, Kelvin Grove and Newmarker private investigator, a Kelvin Grove and Red Hill private detective, for a Kelvin Grove, Newmarket, Red Hill, Brisbane, Queensland, private investigation, contact us.

When you need a Kelvin Grove private investigator, Kelvin Grove Private Detective, Kelvin Grove private investigators, private detectives, a Brisbane private investigator, for private investigator surveillance, an Australian background check or a Workers Compensation fraud investigations, Workcover fraud suspicion investigation, private investigations, contact us for a free quote. We are experienced, discreet, licensed, investigators.